Preaching Schedule

These are my upcoming messages. The only exception is for Christmas and Easter where I am thinking about moving towards homilies and those are on a different rotation of their own. Some of these as you can see are whole book, whereas others are from larger books broken up by stories. For instance with Genesis I went through the story of Adam, then Noah, and next will be Abraham and so on. For Matthew I went with Advent, then early ministry, the sermon on the mount, and will be going forward from there geographically (His ministry in Galilee, Perea, Judea, and Jerusalem). This should be over a couple years worth. I don’t put it down by date because I don’t know if I will get sick or what will come up. I also try to leave flexibility in case I feel the leading from the Spirit to do something else instead. Normally there isn’t a need to plan out this far in advance. Perhaps half of this would do just fine but with me being bivocational and working on my degree I have to have all my ducks in a row as best I can.

1 Timothy

1. A Greeting and Caution (1:1-11)

2. To Save Sinners (1:12-20)

3. On Prayer (2:1-7)

4. On Men and Women (2:8-15)

5. On Pastors and Deacons (3:1-13)

6. A Good Servant of Christ (3:14-4:10)

7. Instructions for Ministry (4:11-5:2)

8. Honor Due (5:3-6:2)

9. Guard the Heritage (6:3-21)

Genesis 12-17 (The Story of Abraham and His Covenant with God)

  1. The Call of Abram (12:1-9)

  2. Abram and Sarai in Egypt (12:10-13:1)

  3. We are Kinsmen (13:2-18)

  4. Thanks a Lot (14:1-16)

  5. A Meeting at the Kings Valley (14:17-24)

  6. Gods Covenant with Abram (15)

  7. Sarai and Hagar (16)

  8. Abraham Sarah (17)


  1. The Marriage of Hosea and Gomer (1)

  2. Faithless Gomer, Faithful God (2-3)

  3. Israel Plays the Harlot (4)

  4. Turn, Turn [Israel from God/God from Israel] (5)

  5. Morning Cloud [Instead turning towards Egypt and Assyria] (6-7)

  6. Sowing the Wind, Reaping the Whirlwind [instead towards idols] (8)

  7. Break up your Fallow Ground [turn to land productivity? Okay, have fun being driven from it] (9-10) 

  8. How Can I Give You Up? (11)

  9. The Lion's Roar (12-13)

  10. Tremble Home Now (14)

Matthew 8-18 (Ministry in Galilee)

  1. Authoritative Miracles (8:1-17)

  2. Even the Winds and Seas Obey (8:18-27)

  3. Two Men with Demons (8:28-34)

  4. The Authority Given to the Twelve (9:1-10:4)

  5. Instructions to the Twelve (10:5-42)

  6. Messengers from John the Baptist (11)

  7. Increasing Hostility towards Jesus (12:1-50)

  8. Parables of the Kingdom (13:1-52)

  9. Rejection and Tragedy (13:53-14:36)

  10.  Progressive Polarization (15-16:20)

  11. Take up Your Cross and Follow Jesus (16:21-17:23)

  12. On Humility and Forgiveness (17:24-18:35)


1. A Plague of Locusts (1:1-14)

2. The Day of the Lord (1:15-2:11)

3. God's Call for Repentance (2:12-17)

4. God's Response to His People (2:18-27)

5. God's Promise of His Spirit (2:28-32)

6. Judgment of the Nations (3:1-16)

7. Israel Blessed (3:17-21)

2 Timothy

1. Be Loyal to the Faith (1)

2. Be Strong in Grace (2:1-13)

3. An Approved Worker (2:14-26)

4. Difficult Times Ahead (3:1-9)

5. Inspired, Inerrant, Infallible, and Sufficient (3:10-17)

6. Final Instructions (4)

Genesis 18-24 (The Story of Abraham and His Son)

  1. Not a Laughing Matter (18:1-24)

  2. Abraham Intercedes for Sodom (18:21-33)

  3. A Tale of Two Cities (19)

  4. Abraham and Abimelech (20)

  5. God Has Made Laughter for Me (21:1-21)

  6. A Treaty with Abimelech (21:22-34)

  7. On the Mount of the Lord (22)

  8. Sarah’s Death and Burial (23)

  9. The Maiden Rebekah (24)

Matthew 19-25 (Ministry in Perea, Judea, and Jerusalem)

  1. On Divorce (19:1-12)

  2. On the Blessing of Children (19:13-15)

  3. On Wealth and Honest Wages (19:16-20:16)

  4. A Mothers Request (20:17-28)

  5. Let Our Eyes Be Opened (20:29-34)

  6. The Triumphal Entry (21:1-11)

  7. Cleansing the Temple (21:12-17)

  8. Cursing the Fig Tree (21:18-22)

  9. The Authority of Jesus Challenged (21:23-22:14)

  10. Various Interrogations (22:15-46)

  11. A Public Rebuke (23:1-39)

  12. The Olivet Discourse (24:1-25:46)


  1. Judgment on Surrounding Nations (1:1-2:3)

  2. Judgment Against Judah and Israel (2:4-16)

  3. A Charge Against the Whole House (3)

  4. Israel’s Past Punishments (4)

  5. Israel’s Future Punishments (5)

  6. A Present Admonition (6)

  7. Visions of the Future (7:1-17)

  8. A Basket of Summer Fruit (8)

  9. Shattered and Restored (9)


1. A Greeting and Blessing (1:1-19)

2. By Grace Through Faith (1:20-2:10)

3. Fellow Heirs (2:11-3:21)

4. Unity in the Body of Christ (4:1-16)

5. New Life (4:17-5:5)

6. Light and Darkness (5:6-21)

7. Headship and Submission (5:22-6:9)

8. The Armor of God (6:10-23)


1. Edom will be Humbled (1:1-9)

2. Edom’s Violence against Jacob (1:10-14)

3. The Day of the Lord (1:15-18)

4. The Kingdom of the Lord (1:19-21)


Genesis 25-36 (The Story of Abraham’s Grandsons)

  1. Abraham’s Death and His Descendents (25)

  2. The Abrahamic Covenant Reaffirmed (26:1-5)

  3. Like Father, Like Son (26:6-33)

  4. An Ill Gotten Blessing (27:1-45)

  5. Esau Marries an Ishmaelite (27:46-29:9)

  6. Jacob’s Dream (28:10-22)

  7. Jacob Serves His Time (29:1-30)

  8. Jacob’s Children (29:31-30:24)

  9. Jacob’s Prosperity (30:25-43)

  10.  Jacob Flees from Laban (31)

  11. Jacob Fears Esau (32:1-21)

  12. Jacob Wrestles with God (32:22-32)

  13. Jacob and Esau Meet Again (33)

  14. The Defiling of Dinah (34)

  15. God Blesses and Renames Jacob (35:1-15)

  16. Deaths and Descendents (35:16-36:42) 

Peter (First)

  1. Born again to a Living Hope (1:1-12)

  2. Called to Be Holy (1:13-25)

  3.  A Living Stone and a Holy People (2:1-12)

  4.  Gracious Submission to Authority (2:13-25)

  5. Husbands and Wives (3:1-7)

  6.  Suffering for Righteousness Sake (3:8-22)

  7. Suffering as Stewards of Grace (4)

  8. Shepherding the Flock of God (5)



  1. Melted Mountains (1:1-2:13)

  2. A Heap of Ruins (3:1-12)

  3. Now Why Do You Cry Aloud? (4:1-5:15)

  4. The Day of Your Watchmen (6:1-7:6)

  5. Hope and Darkness (7:7-20)

Peter (Second)

  1. His Majesty (1)

  2. Waterless Springs (2)

  3. Without Spot or Wrinkle (3)

Genesis 37-50 (The Story of Joseph)

  1. Joseph Sold into Egypt (37)

  2. The Corruption of Judah’s Family (38)

  3. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife (39)

  4. Joseph’s Rise (40:1-41:45)

  5. Joseph’s Brothers Come to Egypt (41:46-42:38)

  6. Joseph’s Brothers Return (43)

  7. Joseph Tests His Brothers (44:1-45:15)

  8. Joseph Provides for His Family (45:16-46:27)

  9. Joseph and Jacob Reunite (46:28-47:12)

  10.  Joseph and the Famine (47:13-31)

  11. Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh (48)

  12. Jacob Blesses His Sons (49:1-27)

  13. The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph (49:28-50:26)


Blessed Assurances: Benedictions from Scripture


A Call to Worship: Psalms for the Year