Truth in Song: Hymns for the Year
All dates are for the 2024 calendar
January 7 (New Years)
Be Thou my Vision, He Leadeth Me
January 14
I Will Sing of my Redeemer, He Keeps me Singing
January 21
Blessed Assurance, Great is Thy Faithfulness
January 28
Rock of Ages, The Solid Rock
February 4
He Has made me Glad, Joy Unspeakable
February 11 (Ash Wednesday is 14th)
Are You Washed in the Blood? Redeemed
February 18 (Valentines also on 14th)
My Jesus I Love Thee, I Love You Lord
February 25
Crown Him with Many Crowns, At Calvary
March 3
There is a Fountain, Nothing but the Blood
March 10
Victory in Jesus, There is Power in the Blood
March 17 (St. Patty’s Day)
At the Cross, When I survey the Wondrous cross
March 24
And Can it Be? The Old Rugged Cross
March 31 (Easter)
Christ the Lord is Risen Today, He Lives!
April 7
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name, Glory to His Name
April 14
Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus, Trust and Obey
April 21
Love Lifted me, O How I love Jesus
April 28
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, I Surrender All
May 5
Lord Be Glorified, I Love to Tell the Story
May 12 (Mother’s Day)
As the deer, I Need Thee every Hour
May 19 (Pentecost)
Heaven Came Down, Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty
May 26 (27th is Memorial Day)
A Charge to Keep I Have, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
June 2
What a Friend we Have in Jesus, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
June 9
We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise, Praise Him Praise Him
June 16 (Father’s Day)
This is my Fathers World, Glorify Thy Name
June 23
Tell me the Story of Jesus, To God be the Glory
June 30
Fill my Cup Lord, Sweet Hour of Prayer
July 7
Take my Life and Let it Be, Find us Faithful
July 14
In the Garden, Just a Closer Walk with Thee
July 21
How Great Thou Art, Awesome God
July 28
Majesty, I will Sing the Wondrous Story
August 4
Sanctuary, We Have Come into His House
August 11
You are my All in All, O How He Loves You and Me
August 18
What a day that Will Be, Softly and Tenderly
August 25
I know whom I have Believed, When the Roll is called up Yonder
September 1
In my Heart there Rings a Melody, Shine Jesus Shine
September 8
Love Divine all Loves Excelling, Change my Heart O God
September 15
Just as I am, When we All Get to Heaven
September 22
Have Thine Own Way Lord, I have Decided
September 29
Soon and Very Soon, I’ll Fly away
October 6
Amazing Grace, It is Well with my Soul
October 13
Standing on the Promises, Blest Be the Tie that Binds
October 20
How Firm a foundation, Doxology
October 27 (31 is reformation day)
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, A Mighty Fortress is our God
November 3
Send the Light, Because He Lives
November 10 (11 is veterans’ day)
Onward Christian Soldiers, Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus
November 17
Joyful Joyful we Adore Thee, No Not One
November 24 (28 is Thanksgiving Day)
Give Thanks, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
December 1
Silent Night, Angels from the Realms of Glory
December 8
What Child is This, Hark the Herald Angels Sing
December 15
It Came Upon a midnight clear, Joy to the World
December 22 (25 is Christmas day)
Away in a Manger, The First Noel
December 29
O Come all Ye Faithful, We Three Kings