Holy Substitute

Of this time and season brethren, there may be no need to write.

You know well the day so cometh like a thief does in the night.

For when they ask for peace and safety destruction will arrive.

Yet you are not in darkness, you are children of the light.


Thank You Holy Substitute. Thank You spotless Friend.

Your grace has no beginning and Your love it has no end.

The wrath we rightly deserved, Lord, You took in our place.

So we may be children of light, and children of the day.


Lord, direct our lives to be of righteousness and faith.

Keep us bold against evil, and o’er our sinful state.

Keep us loving what You love, and hating what You hate.

Savior, pluck us from the darkness to be children of the day.


Deeply Lord, I want my life ascribing glory to Your Name.

Not just in excess of ease but the utmost of my pain.

Rid us of our will o God, or align it with Your ways.

Let us be children of light so we might praise You all our days.


The Parsonage


Great is the Lord